Zabawiilem sie w jednodniowego lowce bonusow a jako ze widze niektorych 'funtowych optymistow' pewna wazna okolicznosc ktora pokazuje jak buki na kazdym kroku rzna ludzi i rzna głupa potem - tez myslalem tak jak Wy

Sie: is done but out of 160 GBP i received only 100 bonus - why? the maximum GBP EURO bonus are 100,- GBP
Sie: it was up to 200 euro 200 euro = about 160 gbp - where is it stated in t& c that max is 100 GBP? yes but in the currency EUR in GBP ist the maximumg EURO Bonus 100,- GBP
Sie: so 200 euro in currency euro is 160 GBP
Sie: so if I had account in euro I would get 200 euro bonus? you have to understand that, we dont change the currency amount after the currency exchange we arrange the maximum bonus in every currency and in GBP is the maximum EURO bonus 100,- GBP
Sie: ok but is good to know before i made a deposit and it was nowwere stated that debonus is only max 100 GBP
Sie: if i knew about I would open account in euro
Sie: how can I find maximum bonus for currency in your website
Sie: before I make a deposit in this case the best possibility would be if you contact our support and we will inform you immediately about the details
Sie: but it is nowwhere in your website that maximum bonus in GBP is only 100 GBP isn't? yes thats correct
Sie: And you are not going to put maximum amount in every currency on the website to avoid any disappointments? Average customer thinks 200 euro is 160 GBP especialyy as it is nowwhere stated in the website we are sorry but in this case there is the customer service that we help you in every case but we are sorry for the disappointments!
Sie: ok but i feel really disappointment if I knew about this I would open account in EURO especially if it was stated in terms and conditions I would carefully read it and would follow the instructions. I am not God to predict all the disappointments and I think more customers will be disappointed in the future
Sie: Such an impotrtand condition should be at least stated in t&c customers should not realize that only customer service knows it we will forward your inquiry to the management and they will check your inquiry as soon as possible like we told you we are sorry for this disappointments and we will forward your inquiry through
Sie: so what I can do instead of 100% bonus I got 60%
Sie: i followed clearly instructions and suddenly appears another condition which I had no chance to know or predict
Jednak bonusy to ciezki chleb i denerwujaca praca szlag moze czlowieka trafic 100 razy w ciagu dnia
ku przestrodze

moze ktos cos doradzi co pisac jeszcze sie trzese