[QUOTE]Oryginalnie wysłał Adolf 88:
[qb] [QUOTE]Oryginalnie wysłał Adolf 88:
[qb]I mam pytanie co oznacza przy players "Selected"??
[/qb][/QUOTE]Panowie ja wiem, że macie dużo na głowie ale może mi to ktoś wyjaśnić??
Pozdrawiam[/qb][/QUOTE]Under the link "players" you find a detailed list of the players in your team. If you look at somebody elses team you will not get quite the same detail. When a player has the status "selected" you will find the player on your tacticts page ready to be used in a match. If not, he will not show up there. This is just to make it easier to pick you tactics for your squad as it otherwise could be a little crowded on that page.
Jak jest Selected to widac go w Tactics a jak jest Not Selected to go nie widac
Chyba o to chodzi ale u mnie to nie dziala.