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Hand T4-57406897-172, Started at 2008-01-02 22:45 (GMT+1)
Table 'Oranjestad': 1 600-1 600 Bez limitu HE (TournamentChips)
Seat 0: m355i (62 528 in chips)
Seat 1: Bih74dk (38 504 in chips)
Seat 3: zune79 (23 044 in chips)
Seat 4: Johnaj1 (56 331 in chips)
Seat 5: Radek18x (50 870 in chips)
Seat 6: CromagSCB (18 414 in chips)
Seat 7: twomater1 (15 556 in chips) (on the button)
Seat 8: CarpeDiemDan (25 470 in chips)
Seat 9: Zamorano75 (25 283 in chips)
*** Runda blind-bet *** :
CarpeDiemDan: Wnieść zakład blind (800)
Zamorano75: Wnieść zakład blind (1 600)
Dealt to CromagSCB: At
Dealt to CromagSCB: Ap
*** Pre-Flop *** :
Dealt to zune79: Kp
Dealt to zune79: Dk
Dealt to CromagSCB: At
Dealt to CromagSCB: Ap
m355i: Spasować
Bih74dk: Spasować
zune79: Wnieść stawkę (23 044)
zune79: All-in (23 044)
Johnaj1: Spasować
Radek18x: Spasować
CromagSCB: Wejść/sprawdzić (18 414)
CromagSCB: All-in (18 414)
twomater1: Spasować
CarpeDiemDan: Spasować
Zamorano75: Spasować
*** Flop *** : Ak 10k Wt
*** Turn *** : [ Ak 10k Wt ] 6k
*** River *** : [ Ak 10k Wt 6k ] Ak
Dealt to zune79: Kp
Dealt to zune79: Dk
Dealt to CromagSCB: At
Dealt to CromagSCB: Ap
zune79: Wyłożyć karty
CromagSCB: Wyłożyć karty
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: 43 858 | Rake: 0
Board: [ Ak 10k Wt 6k ]
m355i lost 0
Bih74dk lost 0
zune79 bet 23 044, collected 4 630, net -18 414 Shows [ Kp Dk ] (Strit, As wysoki)
Johnaj1 lost 0
Radek18x lost 0
CromagSCB bet 18 414, collected 39 228, net 20 814 Shows [ At Ap ] (cztery Asy)
twomater1 lost 0
CarpeDiemDan lost 800
Zamorano75 lost 1 600