[QUOTE]Oryginalnie wysłał _Siemers [reloaded]:
[qb]Lietuvos-Cholet 1 1,4 STS
...ktos wie czy to prezent na mikolajki, czy bedzie jakis walek
PS. Moglby ktos podac linka do oferty (nie do strony glownej) profesjonala, bo siedze wlasnie w szkole i mi nie chce zadzialac
iwo: [/qb][/QUOTE]2003-12-02 Lietuvos - Cholet by: Croatia385 (02-12-2003 10:26 CET)
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ULEB cup, Lietuvos (LIT) has current score 3-0, Cholet (FRA) 2-1, so why odds 5,00 on away win?! I respect Lietuvos, good team with some great shooters, currently 2nd in Lithuanian league (score 12-2) but they are not much stronger than Cholet (currently 4th in French league, score 7-3), if they are stronger at all... Like someone on BA forum wrote, Lietuvos is pretty "moody" team with some blackout moments in every match (struggled vs. weak Brighton in previous round), odds are great value!
Pick: A, Odds: 5.00, Stake: 8, Bookmaker: Centrebet
Chyba walek:)