#1241024 - 22/05/2007 03:18
[Re: jarko 33]
#1 WorldSpeedway
Meldunek: 03/06/2005
Postów: 38606
Skąd: Caja Mágica
jarko przedostatnio też zastępował (jechał 5 razy) tylko nie zmiescił sie w nominowanym bo lepszy był Lemon. Piątka może zastępować1, 2 ,3 i 4. Trójka może 1,2,4,5 Jedynka tylko trójkę Zrozumiano  pisze wam to ostatni raz 
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#1241585 - 22/05/2007 08:52
[Re: Green Arrow]
old hand
Meldunek: 21/11/2001
Postów: 796
Skąd: Polska
Jesus Christ. Rece opadaja.
Ciezko Panowie poszukac, lepiej dywagowac?
This Section covers the facilities that may be available before a Meeting to complete a Team Line-Up (e.g. Guest and Rider Replacements) and the use of Tactical Rides (TR) and Tactical Substitutes (TS) during a Meeting. 18 Race Format Appendix 20 G4 is used for all Elite, Premier & Conference Leagues meetings. 18.1 EL & PL Team Line-Ups must adhere to the following, however at the start of the Season and prior to the issue of GSA’s in accordance with SR exceptions will be detailed on the BSPA approval of a Team Line-Up: a) The Top 2 Riders (by CMA) must ride at 1 and 3, (Team Manager's discretion). b) The 3rd to 5th Riders (by CMA) must ride at 2, 4 & 5, (Team Manager's discretion). c) The 6th & 7th Riders (by CMA) must ride at 6 & 7, (Team Manager's discretion). 18.1.1 Teams must notify their Opponents of Line-Ups in writing at least 5 days before the Meeting. Team Riding Order cannot be changed from the written notification, . Rider changes must be notified to the Opponents as soon as they are known; all changes are reported by the Meeting Referee and any that result in an under-strength team being fielded (i.e. A missing Rider with no facility permitted) will be the subject of a Penalty from the SCB. 18.1.2 To complete Team Line-Ups in the event of a Missing Rider(s), a Team may utilise a "Facility" to cover the absence of a Rider(s) who: A is on FIM World Speedway Championship duty. B is engaged elsewhere at a BSPA shared or fee Meeting. C is recalled by a Riders Federation (with prior notification) for compulsory International or National Championship duty. D has been injured whilst speedway racing (if required, supported by a Medical Certificate; to be supplied within 48 hours of the Meeting being staged). E is sick or carrying a non-speedway injury (if required, supported by a Medical Certificate; to be supplied within 48 hours of the Meeting being staged), in which case the Rider cannot return within 7 days (including his Team’s next home meeting) without the express permission of the MC. F has been suspended by the FIM, ACU or SCB. G is in dispute with his Club, provided that the circumstances have been accepted by the MC, who will also determine the period of the Riders inactivity. H is engaged in an FIM Longtrack Championship Meeting (for the day of the Meeting only - no facility is permitted for practice day). I if both Riders, in a "Shared" position are unavailable for one or the above reasons or both are racing for their respective PL Team. 18.1.3 The actual facility available depends upon the reason for absence AND position within the Team that the missing Rider(s) occupies as detailed in Regulations appertaining to that competition, the facility(ies) available include: 1. Choice of Guest or Rider Replacement (G / RR) 2. Guest (G) 3. Rider Replacement (RR) 4. A No. 8 (Elite League only) (#8) 5. A CL Guest (any Rider eligible for the CL who has never achieved an actual PL CMA of 4.00 or above) (CL G) 18.1.4 The permitted type of Facilities are as per SR 18.1.5 below, but note: Where an absent Rider has only an assessed CMA, a facility will be permitted for a maximum period of 28 days. (NB. In the PL, only the RR facility is permitted for SR18.1.5 (a)). No facility is permitted to replace a Rider, who although declared has not made an appearance for that Team. In all instances, where a Rider is absent due to appearing as an ACU nomination (or qualified) in FIM Speedway Championship Events, UEM U-19 Speedway Championship or being selected to ride for Team GB or GB U21, then the facility available shall be either Guest or Rider Replacement at the Team Managers discretion, irrespective of the Riders CMA. See SR 18.3 below for detailed regulations concerning the Guest Rider. 18.1.5 a) To cover: Absent #1 Rider (by CMA) Facility: G / RR (at Team Managers discretion)
b) To cover: 1 Absent Rider (2 - 5 by CMA) Facility: RR
c) To cover: Absent #1 and additional Riders (1-5 by CMA) Facility: G (for highest), RR (for 2nd by CMA) and G (for all others)
d) To cover: More than 1 Absent Rider (2 - 5 by CMA) Facility: RR (for 1ST by CMA) and G (for all others) NB. In respect of SR 18.1.5 (a), (b), (c) & (d) note the following: • If the absent Rider is a Shared Position Rider, the alternative Shared Position Rider, the #8 or a Guest from the League Below only is permitted. • A Shared Position Rider whose CMA does not exceed the Missing Rider or #8 may be used instead of RR.
e) To cover: Absent #6 or #7 Rider (by CMA) Facility: EL: that Teams Shared Position Rider (*see note below) or #8 PL: G (if #6 by CMA) CL G (if #7 by CMA)
f) To cover: Absent #6 and #7 Riders (by CMA) Facility EL: that Teams Shared Position Rider (*see note below) or #8 PL: G (for the missing Rider with the highest CMA) CL G (for the other) NB. In respect of SR 18.1.5 (e) & (f): * The Shared Riders CMA must not exceed the CMA of the Rider being replaced. Where the nominated #8 is used, except for counting towards the maximum of 6 Meetings, shall be assumed as a Guest and assumes the CMA of the Rider he is replacing. If both the Shared Position Riders and the Team’s #8 Rider are missing, then a PL Guest whose CMA does not exceed the CMA of the #8 may be used. If no facility is applicable then provided it conforms additionally to SR 18.3; a) In the EL, that Teams #8, or a PL Rider, both with a PL CMA of 6.00 or less and in conformity to SR 18.3. b) In the PL, a CL Rider who has never achieved a CMA. 18.2 Conference League 18.2.1 Team Line-Ups must adhere to the following as per the Grading List detail (SR 17.2): a) Those Riders that must ride at 1 and 3, (Team Manager's discretion). b) Those that must ride in the main body of the Team who must ride at 2, 4 & 5, (Team Manager's discretion). c) Other Riders who can ride at 6 & 7, (Team Manager's discretion). 18.2.2 Teams may utilise the RR facility when permitted (as noted on the Grading List) with other absences being covered by utilising any Grade 1 Rider (nb. As per SR 17.2.2 those Riders will count as a 2 grading) and must line up at 6 or 7. 18.3 A Guest Rider is one whom replaces a regular Team Member for the whole Meeting and is permitted only subject to the following: * The Guest’s CMA is the same or lower (see also 18.3.1) than the Replaced Rider * A Guest assumes the position and CMA of the Replaced Rider. * A Guest Rider in a "double-header" shall count as one Meeting only. * Excepting non-official Competitions, FIM Championship, BSPA Shared / Fee Events and CL Meetings held on EL & PL Tracks, no Rider who has appeared, or will appear at the Track on which the Event is being held within 8 days either side of the fixture shall ride as a Guest Rider. NB. A Guest Replacement for the Home Teams #1 Rider, by CMA, and a Guest from the CL for the Home Team only is exempted from this restriction. 18.3.1 In the Elite League the Missing Rider’s actual achieved CMA is calculated as actual + 10%, but does not apply to a Rider with an assessed CMA and : For a PL Guest, a Shared Position Rider or Declared #8; the Riders actual CMA (converted as per SR 17.3.3) will apply, but a Rider whose transfer was subject to SR will have the EL CMA applied and not the converted CMA. A Shared Position Rider will achieve a CMA (as per SR and this will apply to Guest appearances in the EL, but the #8 retains the starting CMA when appearing as a declared #8 but not when appearing as a Guest in another Team’s 1 to 5. A PL Rider is restricted to a maximum of 6 Guest appearances (not including any as a declared #8) in the EL per season. nb. Not applicable to a non Work Permit ACU licenced Rider under 23 years old who appeared in CL racing during his/her career. A Shared Position Rider / Declared #8 may only ride as a Guest for another EL Team in SR18.1.5 a), c) and d) above, but not as a Guest for another Shared Position Rider. 18.3.2 In the Premier League the missing Riders’ actual CMA is applicable and the CMA of any Guest must not exceed the missing Riders CMA. A PL Team may utilise an EL Rider for the Guest Facility, based upon the EL Riders actual CMA, converted as per SR 17.3.3. 18.4 A Rider Replacement (RR) Facility, allows the missing Riders programmed Rides to be shared out between other Team Members (including any Guest Riders), subject to: * the Rider whose CMA is directly above the missing Rider's CMA and all Riders below may take one RR each. (NB. A Reserve is not restricted to a single RR ride). * RR is not permitted in Heat 15. * Only one position per Team may be declared as RR. * A Nomination once made cannot be changed. * A Rider taking an RR ride may be nominated to take a TR or TS ride subject to compliance with SR18.5 / 18.6 * An Additional Rider, who is a contracted Rider, but not included in a Team's declared 1-7 (in that League) and has a CMA of 3.00 or less may be nominated as the Additional Rider and may take any ride(s) that could have been taken by the missing Rider. (NB. A Rider may not line up on more than 6 occasions without being contracted to that Team). 18.5 A Tactical Substitute (TS) is: * permitted when a Team is 8 or more points in arrears after Heat 4. * only one TS Ride is permitted per Team per Meeting. * not permitted in the same heat as a TR is being used. * not permitted in any Nominated or Highest Scorers Heat. * a Rider cannot replace himself as a TS. * a Rider already having taken a TR cannot also be nominated as a TS. * a Nomination once made cannot be changed. * a Black & White chequered Helmet Cover must be worn. 18.6 A Tactical Ride (TR) ride is: * permitted when a Team is 10 or more points in arrears after Heat 4. * subject to use of a maximum of once per Team per Meeting. * each Rider may take only one TR ride. * not permitted in the same heat as a TS or when another TR is being used * not permitted in any Nominated or Highest Scorers Heat. * a Rider already having taken a TS cannot be nominated as a TR. * A Nomination once made cannot be changed. * a Black & White chequered Helmet Cover must be worn. 18.7 Heat 15 is the Top Scorer’s Heat (EL & PL) and the Nominated Heat (CL). 18.7.1 A ballot will be made to determine Gate Positions. 18.7.2 Nominations are at the Team Managers discretion but once nominated these cannot be amended, except by the Referee should the nomination not conform to the Regulations. 18.7.3 The Home Team Manager will nominate first. 18.7.4 In the Top Scorers Heat (EL & PL) only “qualified” Riders may be nominated , these must be: * a top 3 points scorer (exclude any rider who has already taken 7 rides) NB. 4 x Programmed Rides only, including Bonus Points to count. * a Rider in the top 3 of that Meeting’s Team (by CMA) NB. No Reserve replacements are permitted. In the event of a Rider being excluded for an offence covered by SR 18.9.2 only the Handicap option may be used. Should a non-excluded Rider be unable to take part in a re-run (FN) then the place may only be taken by another “qualified” Rider. 18.8 A Rider is subject to both a "minimum" of 3 rides and "maximum" of 7 rides in a Meeting. For the purpose of achieving the "minimum ride rule, "frustrated" rides shall not count, whereas in calculating the "maximum" number of rides taken "frustrated" rides shall count. 18.8.1 Where the "maximum number of rides is specified, in the case of a Rider (1-5 by CMA), the maximum number of rides includes 4 x programmed rides plus one as a TS, one as a RR and one as the Highest Scorer (or Nominated Rider). 18.8.2 A "frustrated" ride is one, whether programmed or not (i.e., nominated as a Rider Replacement, Reserve Replacement, TR or TS), which results in an exclusion for a Starting Offence or for any reason whatever is unable to take part in a re-run AND is replaced by another Rider. If no replacement is made it is a "compulsory" ride. 18.8.3 In the event the "frustrated" ride is as a result of being nominated as a RR or TR/ TS, then it shall nevertheless count as that Riders RR or TR/TS ride. 18.8.4 In order that a Rider takes the "minimum" number of rides, then changes must be made to a Heat Line up, (excluding any nominated or Highest Scorers Heat) or sufficient Heats must start with no replacements. 18.8.5 Under no circumstances can assumptions be made concerning the introduction of a Rider in a later Heat as a TS to ensure compliance with the "minimum" ride rule 18.8.6 If a Rider (except any lining up under SR is prevented as a result of an injury sustained in that Meeting (as confirmed by the CMO), the minimum ride rule will not apply. 18.9 A Reserve Rider, within the maximum permitted rides may, in addition to programmed rides, replace any Rider for any reason as below, a) Any Rider who is absent, missing or late in arriving b) Any Rider at the Team Managers discretion before a race commenced c) A Rider excluded for a Starting gate offence or excluded for exceeding the 2-Minute Time Allowance d) A Rider in the re-run of a Heat where that Rider was not excluded and is unable to take part due to injury or damage to his/her motorcycle, in which case assumes the status of the Rider being replaced, e.g. in the same helmet colour, gate position, as a TR or TS (and the possibility of double points), even if s/he has already taken a TR / TS ride. 18.9.1 A Reserve, already replaced in any Heat, cannot be re-introduced for any reason, except in the case of SR 18.9.d). 18.9.2 For a Starting Offence (SR 15.3.2, 15.3.3 & 15.3.4) the Team Manager may in the re-run of the Heat either replace the excluded Rider with a Reserve (starting in the original position) or re-instate the excluded Rider, handicapped by 15 metres (see SR 15.3.7) except that: * If as a result of a 2nd or subsequent re-instatement it prevents SR 15.3.7 being complied with, the Team Manager foregoes the ability to make a choice – a Reserve Replacement being the only option. * For a second offence it is a mandatory exclusion with no replacement permitted. * If the offence is committed by a TS Rider s/he will be handicapped a further 10 metres for a first offence and excluded from the Heat for a 2nd offence. * If the offence is committed by a TS or TR Rider and a Reserve Replacement is used, the use of the TR / TS shall nevertheless count as a TR / TS ride i.e. it is forfeited
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#1241586 - 22/05/2007 08:54
[Re: Krompa]
old hand
Meldunek: 21/11/2001
Postów: 796
Skąd: Polska
Tlumaczyl Wam nie bede, ale tu macie wszystko na temat.;)
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#1249380 - 25/05/2007 02:06
[Re: Krompa]
old hand
Meldunek: 25/06/2006
Postów: 1031
witam, co tak cicho?:) na mecz swindon-arena essex w expie linia jest 21,5 a w unibecie 15. ma ktos jakies info na temat zawodnikow, ktos nie jedze, jakies z/z?? wydaje mi sie ze mozna byloby sprobowac +21,5 na arena essex w expekt.poniedzialkowy mecz wygrali na wyjezdzie z reading
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#1249456 - 25/05/2007 02:40
[Re: viper]
Carpal Tunnel
Meldunek: 25/12/2003
Postów: 20790
Skąd: ostrow wlkp
bardzo ciekawy jest kurs na buldogi - 3,15, mysle ze zwyciestwo gosci mimo absencji koldiego jest bardzo realne
w swindon mysle ze mozna postawic na over 9,5 KK, ktory najprawdopodobniej bedzie jechal 6 razy, bo jezeli nie on to kto ma zdobywac punkty w tej druzynie
z kolei w peterborough bardzo realna jest wygrana asow wraz z handi +25,5 a dlaczego KK ma jechac 6 razy ? to jest anglia tam niema stosowanych zmian taktycznych
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#1249458 - 25/05/2007 02:41
[Re: Pizza-man]
old hand
Meldunek: 25/06/2006
Postów: 1031
co do adamsa zgadzam sie zupelnie, w tym sezonie w anglii tylko w 2 meczach mial 11 pkt, reszta wiecej. Swindon: 1: Leigh Adams:.............. 2: Mads Korneliussen:...... 3: Sebastian Ulamek:....... 4: Charlie Gjedde:........... 5: Lee Richardson:........... 6: Andrew Moore:............ 7: Tomasz Chrzanowski:... Lakeside: 1: Joonas Kylmakorpi:...... 2: Henning Bager:........... 3: Krzysztof Kasprzak:..... 4: Christian Hefenbrock:... 5: Adam Shields:............. 6: Leigh Lanham:............ 7: Michal Rajkowski (G):... pod warunkiem ze pojedzie min 5 razy to powinno wejsc gladko. przeciwnikow nie ma za tegich. NIe napisales Pizza-man skad ten zaklad!! -tez bym postawil  a nigdzie nie widze. A co do mojego typy, zmieniam zdanie(po krotkiej analizie:))> sklad swindom wyglada bardzo mocno na tle przeciwnika. jesli nie ma zmian o ktorych my nie wiemy:) to powinni wygrac wiecej niz 15pkt i taki tez puszczam kupon w Unibet.
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#1249471 - 25/05/2007 02:46
[Re: ramelow]
old hand
Meldunek: 25/06/2006
Postów: 1031
gdzie gracie over adamsa>?? dobrze byloby jakbysmy podawali booka z ktorego bierzemy kursy...
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#1249478 - 25/05/2007 02:49
[Re: lepusti]
Carpal Tunnel
Meldunek: 25/12/2003
Postów: 20790
Skąd: ostrow wlkp
under 11.5 dziadka louisa  herbi hancock i zagar powinni cos pkt zabrac louisowi a w 15 biegu na zbyt duza zdobycz bym nieliczyl
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#1249507 - 25/05/2007 03:02
[Re: viper]
Carpal Tunnel
Meldunek: 28/07/2005
Postów: 10831
Skąd: Rz
adams oczywiscie w Bwin sorki ze nie dopisalem skad zaklad 1.55 kurs ciagle
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