Dodra czas na argumenty na nie dla na Nadala. Nie chce mi się tłumaczyć, więc
Paradorn SRICHAPHAN isn't weak on grass surely, at least he's much better than both Ancic and Childs (in fact Childs is very weak player and Ancic average). Thailand's player have 11/10 on grass what's solid IMO. For Nadal (just 17 years old) is Wimbledon 2003 first Grand Slam in his life and it would be great achievemnt to reach fourth round. But I don't expect him to make it... As I wrote, the only problem I see is fatigue after two five sets battles. My estimations are about 65:35 for Paradorn.
Paradorn Srichaphan-Rafael Nadal- huh very very tricky match. I fancy nadal. I don`t like Paradorn. I think or hope that Nadal will win but this match can go 5 sets. I will go small on Nadal.
Srichaphan should be favourite against young surprise Nadal, but after two marathon races with Hrbaty and Mutis he could be a bit tired. Still Nadal didn't beat good opponents so far and this will be first real test for him. Odds like 1.8 are good value to take Thailand's player.
Generalnie i tak postawie na Nadala, ale nie żebym był przekonany w 100%
Jeśli chodzi o Schuetlera, to nie wiem bo Martin może i jest starym grzybem, ale w tym turnieju gra znakomicie, dawno nie był w yak dobrej formie i............ ja sobie ten mecz generalnie odpuszcze