włączyłem sobie jakiś podcast do spania o FPL, wprawdzie nie wiem czy udało mi się dotrwać do 5 minut zanim usnąłem ale zapamiętałem że gość mówił że jak dasz radę to najlepiej trzymać wildcard do 13 kolejki.
Uznałem że się zna i go posłucham

Ja na oficjalnej stronie coś takiego wyczytałem.
Many managers in Fantasy Premier League have turned to their first Wildcard ahead of Gameweek 8’s reduced schedule.
Monday’s announcement that seven Premier League fixtures in Gameweek 8 will be played, after all of Gameweek 7’s matches were postponed, means over 323,000 managers currently have their Wildcard chip active.
Worth holding on to your Wildcard?
Managers who are yet to play their Wildcards could decide to wait until the international break prior to Gameweek 9.
This would allow them to build a more balanced squad to cater for the next eight Gameweeks, when they will have unlimited free transfers in Gameweek 16 once the FIFA World Cup starts.
Meanwhile, over 64,000 have played their Free Hit chip for the upcoming round of matches.
These chips are typically more useful when played in a Double Gameweek. Managers should only pick this option if their current squad is decimated and they are left with four or five players for Gameweek 8.
Providing you can field between eight and 10 players without having to take a significant points deduction, a Free Hit or Triple Captain chip is best left alone for now.