The argument and analysis of this party is clear. Huge difference in quality between one template and another. We must add that Udinese also has the local factor and the references we have do not leave the visiting team in a good place. Venezia has just been promoted to series a and has a lot to shoot yet. In the first match of last week it became clear that apparently he still does not have the desired level for the competition, losing against Napoli by two goals after winning 10 his rival. On the other hand, Udinese tied yes, but with Juventus that is a clear contender to take the title and the team's performance was very good, showing that they have the level to stand up. I think that today Udinese will take advantage of the crash to get three valuable points.
Akhu potwierdzasz

i tak i nie
Ja bym napisal tak:
Venezia bedzie miala bardzo ciezko z siłową ekipą Udine. Gospodarze potrafia wybic z glowy dobrą gre przeciwnikowi a Venezia jeszcze nawet zgrana nie jest. Liczba grajkow co oni sciagneli to wg mnie pomysł na blyskawiczny spadek za calkiem spore pieniadze.
Czy dzis Udine wygra, nie wiem ale zwyciestwo gosci to mi sie w glowie nie zmieści.
Sam chyba zagram jakies opcje na Zebrette na live