Gadka jak u lasek przy podorywce:
Stan: "Spojrzałem na Ciebie?!"
Jo: "Oczywiście."
Stan: "Kiedy?! To ty na mnie ziorasz! To mecz tenisowy, wyluzuj z deczka"
Stan: What did you say?
Tsonga: I don't understand why you look at me like this.
Stan: Looking at what? You are the one who's looking and speaking at me right now.
Tsonga: I had not said anything before you looked at me.
Stan: I looked at you? I didn't even look in your direction. What's your problem,? (I swear)
Tsonga: Don't act like you don't understand.
Stan: Did I look at you even once?
Tsonga: Of course you did. Your clan is over there, not over here.
Stan: What? [seems he couldn't hear] Did I even look at you once?
Tsonga: Yeah.
Stan: When?
Tsonga: Just a moment ago.
Stan: You are looking at me!
Tsonga: ...
Stan: It's a just tennis match, okay! You need to relax.
Tsonga: Yeah it's just tennis match, you're right, no problem/ forget it.
Stan: You should relax a bit (interrupting Tsonga). Relax a bit, it's a just a tennis match .