Jimmy też się nie opierdalał
Znany jest także ze swojego burzliwego życia pozasportowego. Znany jest przypadek, podczas którego wyciągnął swojego zmarłego na raka brata, Martina White'a, z kostnicy i zabrał do pubu na jego "ostatnią imprezę"
The strangest ‘meeting’, however, is with his dead and dearly beloved elder brother Martin. ‘I was in floods of tears,’ says White. ‘I went to the funeral house. There was a massive chain. I kicked it and the door opened. We carried my brother’s corpse out to the car and drove him to my other brother’s house. It was 10 miles away. We put him in a chair and we all drank and played cards with him — next to his body.’
Then they put him a taxi — ‘he was a bit stiff’ — and took him back. The police called on White, but let him off in his grieving state.