no ale panowie ten zapis mnie troche irytuje b) Greatest number of matches played;
Comment: 2-1 won-loss record beats a 2-0 won-loss record; a 1-2 record beats a 1-0 record.
czyli co jak Tipsa bedzie miał 2-0 a Hiszpan 2-1 to on przechodzi dalej?
yep, Hiszpan dalej
ale widzisz jest też taki zapis Comment 3: 3 players have 2 wins and the other player has 0 wins. The player with 0 wins is eliminated. Of the 3 players with 2 wins, they are ordered by their % of sets won. This produces a 1, 2 & 3 order and the players finishing 1 and 2 move to the semi-final round and the player finishing 3 in % of sets won is eliminated. The player with the best % of sets won is the winner of the group.