Dobra po sprawie nic nie da sie zrobic!Tylko wyjasnienie w polskim support to jakis zart olewaja klienta totalnie!Napisalem w zwiazku z tym do angielskiego supportu i otrzymalem odp:
In response to your query, I can confirm that as my colleague has previously
advised your bet has been settled correctly as per our rules which all
customer agree to when opening their bet365 account.
Whilst we appreciate that the error in this fixture was not an error that
was made on your part, we must settle all bets according to our rules which are
displayed via our website.
As a way of apology for any inconvenience that this may have caused we would
like to offer you a 10 PLN bonus with 3 times rollover. If you would like to
accept this please reply to this e-mail confirming that you wish to accept
the offer and we will be happy to credit this to your account.
I taka wlasnie jest roznica miedzy naszymi gamoniami z supportu a angielskimi