[size=14]Mass Start 12,5km Women[/size]Actually, I do not have any feeling here. If I had to, I would go for Wilhelm or Henkel win. I can not see Ponza at the podium, even though she when she does not do any penaties. She is too weaker runner.
Neuner, M in top3 @ 2,1
Unibet 2/10
We had only one mass start. And this event won Neuner. She made too many mistakes by shooting. Maybe she is not psychical strong but in running she is the best at the moment. I do not say that she is a huge favourite to win, but she is capable to be at the top. Mostly it will be depand on shooting and also important the mental side.
[size=14]Biathlon Men - 15km Mass Start[/size]My favourites here are: Yaro, Tchoudov, Kroglov, Greis, M, Bjoerndalen and Svendsen [I am curious how is his form]. I will searching for a nice H2H with Maxim. He will be my top biathlonist to win this event.
Tchoudov, M to win @ 11,0 2/10
Tchoudov, M top3 @ 3,5 3/10
Personally, I think he is the best runner at the moment. Maxim is even better than the star, Ole Einar. Unfortunetly, he makes to many penalties. That is why this Russian could not win a single race yet. But the win is coming and I see if not today the win will be in Ostersund, Sweden.
Ferry, B -
Yaroshenko, D @ 2,0
Unibet 6/10
I am thinking about this bet when it appeared at
Unibet. That true Ferry won his first event in his career. He did not do many foults and he ran very well. Yaro was 'only' 6th [2 foults] but he started the pursuit many seconds behind. I think it is a small value because for me Dimitri is the better one here. The key could be that Bjorn already won yesterday and he does not give anything. I am thinking to post this bet as a POD one. However, it is too early so I will be thinking about and then...
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